Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Proverbs 11:2

We are a part of country that ‘prides’ itself for having a lot of ‘pride’ for our country.

I’m shocked that ‘pride’ wasn’t my first word as a child. 

Pride is used so often that at one point I forgot what it really meant for a minute. Pride is not a positive attribute to have when you really think about it.

Proverbs 11:2
New International Version (NIV)
 2 When pride comes, then comes disgrace,
   but with humility comes wisdom.

A feeling of pleasure from one's own achievements, the achievements of those with whom one is associated, or from qualities or possession...

Be especially proud of a particular quality or skill.

noun.  arrogance - haughtiness - vanity - conceit
verb.  glory - boast

It’s interesting how the definition of pride seems innocent enough and sounds like there isn’t anything wrong with having pride, but then if you look at the synonyms, other words that are like ‘pride’ include words such as arrogance, haughtiness, vanity and so on….so how is it that a seemingly positive attribute be linked with only negative attributes?...

Of course I say all this to show you that society has found a way to “dumb us down” for a lack of better word, in order for us to believe that things in which are bad are actually good and harmless….However in God’s word He tells us to stay away from pride because it leads to “disgrace” and that being humble will lead to “wisdom”.

Having or showing a modest or low estimate of one's own importance.

Lower (someone) in dignity or importance: "I knew he had humbled himself to ask for my help".

adjective.  modest - lowly - meek - submissive - unassuming - low
verb.  humiliate - abase - mortify - lower - degrade - demean

….and yet we make being humble seem very unappealing unless we needed to get someone’s good graces…

Being humble comes with great strength that most people don’t realize. God can’t bless the prideful, there wouldn’t be any room to fill because pride can and will fill your heart to the point where you can’t receive the things of God because you’ve gotten to the point where you’ll believe that you got everything you need or can take care of yourself.

Don’t be foolish…humble yourselves….ask God for forgiveness, for letting pride into your heart and start anew, it’s as simple as that.

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