Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Love N Hate

Can you imagine a world without hate? This may sound like a hippie thing to say.

The only difference is that I am talking about the love of God, not just our superficial “I love you” or “I love my fellow human beings”. The love of God surpasses any type of love that we could ever begin to manufacture within ourselves. This type of love can only come through us if we allow God to use us.

Proverbs 10:12
New International Version (NIV)

“ 12 Hatred stirs up conflict,
   but love covers over all wrongs.”

If we had more love in this world, there would be no need for wars and legal battles.

There has never been a time when someone has gotten so irate and furious with someone that the situation magically turned positive and were blessed.

Stay away from conflict-if you get caught up in it know that you have a choice to respond negatively or with the love of Christ through your words and or actions.

Whenever you fell any anger or hate boiling up in you, remember that hatred will only bring you conflict and strife in your life and your wrongs to be exposed for all to see.

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