Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Master Plan

Romans 8:28-29
New International Version (NIV)

“ 28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[a] have been called according to his purpose. 29 For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters.”

In ALL things God works for the good for those who love him…

Sometimes people ask, “Why do I keep going through these issues?” Really the question is, “What choices am I making?” and “What does God want me to learn from this?”

We tend to think that the things we go through in life, both bad and good, are just happenstance. In everything we experience there is something that we learn from. God does not allow us to go through things without learning anything from it. But we have to remember that God doesn’t necessarily choose things that happen to us, the things that happen to us are results of our own choices, because God gave us free will; we can choose to do whatever we want, but in the end God can make it into an awesome testimony, granted that you don’t fail to realize that it was God, and not yourself that got you through whatever rough patch.
God has a plan for you.

God did not form you in your mother’s womb so that you can just be birthed into this world left to fend for yourself, without a plan for your life. As cliché as it sounds there really is a master plan for our lives that was preset for everyone of us, both believers and non believers. People spend most of their lives trying to figure out their purpose-their place in the world...If we would quit searching the things of the world and sought after God, we could get our answer or at least the path that we need to follow to reach our destiny.

Ask God what it is that you need to do in order to reach your purpose in life, you never know your idea of what you think you should be doing maybe be less than what you are really supposed to be doing.
I said all this not just to say that it will take one prayer to find out what it is that you need to do, but that is no excuse to just blow it off.

Just Ask....

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