Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Suffering In Silence: Pride

Unfortunately, there are many Christians suffering in silence, whether it’s financial issues, emotional or physical problems. I have noticed that some Christians feel ashamed to go up for prayer or let someone know that they need food or money to get by until their next check.

Some Christians feel ashamed to say that they are being tormented or attacked by the enemy as it is happening; a lot of the time they share that they have been dealing with the enemy after the fact, when they have FINALLY reached the other side. Little do they know, they could have avoided multiple, painful, time consuming stumbles and obstacles if they had just humble themselves or let go in order for God to bless them through other people around them.

Many Christians feel that they have to be perfect or at least appear to be perfect to everyone else. That pressure to be or to look perfect usually puts them in a worse state. 

They are at a disadvantage when they try to come off as if everything is alright when there is an area in their life that is in jeopardy or that they are constantly coming up against a wall. We are all human, so naturally we have a little bit of pride that we pick up in life as a child, however just because we were born with it does mean it gives us a right to hold on to it. There are many things that we are born with that don’t have to remain with us, pride is one of them. Do not let pride keep you from reaching your breakthrough. 

Sometimes pride prevents all of us from crying out or to ask people for help…I know I have been there. Pride is the thing that we, in general, hold on to that we know deprives us from getting what we need or want, yet we protect diligently…..

To Be Continued…….

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