Friday, February 24, 2012

Religion Remix

Religion has been a hot topic for centuries.

Lately, religion has become more “open” and among the most talked about.

It’s interesting to see how topics that used to be taboo to talk about outside of the home, have become the most talked about in the world. Topics such as, race, religion, sexuality and even plastic surgery have all become the focus of the “hottest” topics to chat about. Even more so religion has become the epicenter of issues people have with one another.

It’s not hard to find people who have decided to create their own “religion”, for a lack of a better word, that they live by and raise their children in.

For example some people may have been raised Catholic and may still go to mass on occasion, but uses Buddhist mediation techniques to calm themselves during the week and does yoga every Saturday morning and consults a psychic every now and then to make sure they are on the right track.

Another example is a family that has Buddha statues around their home and allows their children to choose their religion and lets them experiment with various teachings.

In today’s society it’s all about how to make your life easier and being “open-minded” about other religious philosophies. It has come to a point that if you say you only follow Jesus you are immediately looked as a closed-minded and strict person who has “old fashioned ways of thinking”.  

The divide between the saved and unsaved are becoming more clearer through the ways people accept most religions but not Jesus Christ….

To be continued……

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