Saturday, February 25, 2012

Religion pt.2 - Eclectic Lifestyle


Have you noticed how in some way or another, people manage to bring up Jesus or God in their conversations or in jokes…more so now than ever??

It has become increasingly more acceptable to use Jesus in inappropriate jokes and mocking biblical characters, yet people, at least in the media. They don’t even think about making jokes about other religion’s gods…

Not to say that anyone’s religion to should be made fun of…..

Eclectic Lifestyles

Just the word “religion” tends to provoke people only if it relates to some form of Christianity or Judaism, but when it comes to Yoga, Buddhism and others, it gets treated as a lifestyle  that everyone should incorporate in their lives….how does that work?

In most cases, people do not even realize that doing something like Yoga is a religious practice-not a weight loss fix or calming treatment. You do yourself more harm by participating in it than not.

In other cases people tend to lean towards Buddhist teachings or methods, even if they acknowledge as being affiliated with a completely different religion….

To be fair, Christians are not to look at themselves as being a part of a “religion”, but as a child of God who inherits the Kingdom of God. Not using the word “religion” when referencing Christianity is difficult because we ALL have gotten used to categorizing everything that exists.

To be continued….

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