Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Casting Down Imaginations

Ever get those pesky thoughts about something you know you shouldn’t be thinking about?
Have an idea to do something that you would have NEVER even thought about before because it’s out of your personality norm??

I can tell you I have, so I know I’m not the only person to ever experience this.

What most people don’t know is that those thoughts are caused by demonic spirits trying to get you off course when they know you are trying to do right.

When Satan sees that you are on or trying to get on God’s path for you, he tries to distract you or discourage you so he can get you off that path and pulled in to darkness. Even those who have grown up in the church and have done right most of their lives are still bombarded with the same if not worse interferences with demonic spirits.

There is nothing more irritating to Satan than a prosperous, joyful, spirit filled Christian on the right path. This is where you want to be; you want to be on the right path and learn to cast down imaginations to the point where it becomes a habit to ignore random thoughts. 

Whenever I get these ideas or even urges to do something I know isn’t right and don’t really want do but “can’t help” but think to do, I say “I rebuke/cast down that thought in Jesus name”. That’s it! You don’t have to say an hour long prayer to get rid of it; if you feel that you need to get more in depth with your prayer, by no means let anyone tell otherwise. Pray the way you the Holy Spirit leads you, soon it will become an automatic thing to do to the point where you don’t have to think or worry about it, it will just be naturally.

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