Wednesday, September 14, 2011

~What's REALity?

We live in a world that functions of off what the media feeds them.Every television channel airs some sort of reality show-whether it's raunchy or informing.We assume that reality shows only count ridiculous shows on Mtv or Bravo like "Jersey Shore" or "Real Housewives",but shows like "Vanguard" on the Current channel and "Big Brother" are also reality television shows.We can't go around and say "I don't like reality tv.People shouldn't be watching reality tv." When we can't wait to get home to watch "American Idol"...

Recently, you may have heard about the controversy surrounding Taylor from the "Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" whose husband, Russel Armstrong has recently committed suicide.Now people who loved the television series are outraged by the fact that the television series "could" have been a major contributor to reason why Russel committed suicide.Now all of a sudden former fans of the show feel like what the television network has done since the beginning of the series was wrong....yet they still watched and encouraged the continuation of filming since the beginning by increasing the ratings...

All the headlines in the news and so forth have been clouding the minds of the people,both Christian and non Christian.We get absorbed in these issues so we can't see Satan's trap to get us preoccupied with others' lives,judging them and loosing touch with reality. This suicide could have been prevented-not by the television show network-they were just as helpless as Russel.Clearly, Russel as well as his wife Taylor have opened many "doors" for demons to come in and make themselves comfortable...This is what had to be addressed's not as complicated as the media makes it seem.Psychologist are commenting,after the fact, that they saw the "signs" earlier on in the show before his death....yet they didn't take action based on what knowledge they had...Maybe because it's always more interesting to watch someone else spiral into a deep deep depression rather than focusing on what "doors" we have opened....If any of the people on or near the people on the show were Christians,they would've/should've intervened...

To Be Continued..............................

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