Wednesday, September 14, 2011

~What Turns People Off About Church pt.2

Christian celebrities are always put under the spot light whenever the public anticipates a "mess up" brewing...Most of the time I have noticed that they would use the most "unattractive" celebrity,based on the media's standard of beauty,to be the "spokesperson" for Christians.The media makes Christianity appear unappealing. Or they manipulate seemingly "ditzy" Christian females to make everything seem airy and insignificant.These were the types of things I saw as a non Christian.

Most non Christians either have been or feel shunned by the church because they don't fit in the mold of what they have been told/witnessed how a "Christian" should be.The goth girl in middle school is not going to feel accepted by the church when she is already an outcast to her peers and don't look like the kind of girls that go to church.Instead she will lean towards what feels familiar and makes her feel like she is apart of a unit that accepts her and looks like her...The nerd in high school is not going to seek the church because he has been "enlightened" through text books that make him feel more knowledgeable about the world and society in general.Why not dig deeper into knowledge about things rather than dealing with the fact that they don't exactly "fit" in society, let alone anything else?......We have to approach these kind of situations with sensitivity and understand that these people aren't weaklings,these are people who are just simply lost and have been misguided due to past issues....

to be continued......

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