Wednesday, September 14, 2011

~Fine Lines~

How do we know that we have crossed the line from being aware to being involved in something? We are IN the world but not OF the world...The way I understand it,we still need to be aware of what's going on around us and not be ignorant to what is going on in the world...but when does it go from being informed to being involved? In other words,how can you stay informed about a situation,such as the evolution of song lyrics that are in mainstream pop music,that has changed the way young people think, without having listened to it or read the lyrics? And from that,we are told that we have to watch our ear-gate and eye-gate and that everything leaves a seed....
There are many different cases that can be brought up in relation to the initial question,but this has just recently (as of a few hours ago) come to my mind.I understand that the Holy Spirit would convict us if we did,said or thought something inappropriate-would that same "feeling" trigger in us if we had good intentions and were really trying to just stay informed and learn how to help people by knowing where they are coming from....I wonder how other Christians feel about this situation,because even when something is stated in scripture people can usually always manipulate it to make it seem one way rather than what it really is.

to be continued.......................


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