Saturday, September 3, 2011

~Society Lowering Standards~ Part 2

There are some exceptions to rules changing in society,such as segregation.But this is not enough to use as a excuse that there isn't anything wrong with legalizing marijuana,gay marriage,prostitution,as well as making it acceptable to show explicit content on television and making it "cool" to be sexually active outside of marriage.

I could go and on about the way this country,let alone the world,has changed it's standards....

I have noticed that all these major changes have been slowly introduced little by little as to not throw people off and create a disturbance.I have to admit,Satan is very cunning-making it easy for you to just go with the flow while wearing blinders.Instead of paying attention to what is really going on all around us, we get caught up in attractive traps, like moths to a flame.Non of us are exempt from being lured into those traps.It takes some training to be able to automatically identify a trap and avoid it.

Because we like to do what ever makes us feel good,Satan will capitalize on it and make certain objects,shows,types of people,activities and ways of thinking makes us feel good on the outside,but leads us further into darkness until we can not differentiate what's right or wrong.


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