Friday, October 7, 2011


I have always known how hard it is to forgive someone,but I never realized until recently just how detrimental it is to forgive.

In our last bible study session we discussed forgiveness and how important it is to not "hold captive" anyone that we have not forgiven.I had never realized that when we don't forgive someone we hold them captive in a prison and keeps everyone that we haven't forgiven as well as ourselves in a web.

Cancer is the biggest result of unforgiveness that we always talk about when ever we talk about forgiving others in church or in side conversations.It's interesting how unforgiveness can reap havoc on our bodies and lead us to an early grave.I pictured ever one of those instances where we haven't forgiven anyone for something, they appear as red laser targets pointed at different parts of our body like a sniper lining up his target in battle.A person could not have forgiven a parent for abusing them when they were a child-now he or she has a laser target lined up with his or her heart-indicating a harden heart and or a sign of a possible heart condition-heart attack in the future.

It's almost scary how lethal forgiveness can be-makes me want to go back a cross T's and dot my I's just in case I haven't REALLY forgiven someone.One way I learned how to tell if you haven't forgiven someone,based on our bible study lesson material,is if we still bring up the person and what the offense they committed to you or if you only talk about them in a negative way....I can easily say that most of the world is in unforgiveness based on all the gossip and how "popular" it is to have issues with other people.

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