Friday, October 14, 2011

~Finale pt.1

Every day there’s news about casualties in Iraq or Afghanistan or in the middle east. This is been going on, as far as I am personally aware of, since September 11th 2001 when every day after that was announcements of new bodies being found. Of course throughout the times since 9/11 we have heard some positive reports, but the “bad” seemed to always out rank the good. Things have rapidly begun to shift focus since the preparations for the upcoming presidential elections. Now, the candidates’ faiths have been the only focus. This isn’t the first time a politician’s faith has been looked at, but “the people” seem to be more concerned about the faiths of these presidential hopefuls, rather than their political stance on specific issues. 

The rise of anger and intolerance in Greece, Libya, Israel, Egypt and others have been moving and spreading rapidly in the past few weeks.~~Watch Israel~~ The end times are very near. 

Even though we are not get anxious or scared, it is admittedly hard not to get a little anxious about how dark the world is getting at such a rapid pace and to be reminded of it every time we turn on the television , pull up the news on our smart phones or listening to the radio. We have to remember that we are not to be scared, make sure we have forgiven everyone and asked for forgiveness and repent for sins. It’s now more than ever more important to get into a bible believing/living church and stay connected to the things and people of God.

You never know when someone in the congregation might bring a word of knowledge forth or a prophetic word for the church or even just for you. You have to be there yourself in order to get that information. No man knows when the Son of God will come back, not even the Son himself, which makes it pertinent to be prepared and get in line.  

I can honestly say that I am glad that the Lord didn’t reveal at date and time when Christ is to comeback because I believe there would be less lifelong Christians in the world or even those who have recently become born again Christians. If we knew the time, I guarantee most of us,if not all, would be living like the rest of the worldly people today because we would know when to “convert” ourselves and ask forgiveness and repent just before His coming, meanwhile His will wouldn’t have been done through us as the body of Christ.

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