Friday, August 19, 2011


What does it mean to be "introspective"?

I feel that the definition for "introspective" has been skewed to fit people's situations.In other words,they can say that have been looking at themselves and realized that there are still issues to be dealt with,meanwhile they only scratched the surface and don't want to go any deeper yet because it's uncomfortable for them realize that they have some major issues that need to be addressed.Common phrases like "We all have our issues" or "We're not perfect" are no longer legitimate excuses for continuing on in bitterness,control,anger,frustration,pride,control,manipulation and so on.For anyone who claims to be living a Christian life HAVE to be able to look at those crucial areas of themselves in order to rid themselves of it and press on with out constant conflict over every little thing that comes their way.

To many Christians are living their lives without JOY in their hearts because they are hindering THEMSELVES from having it.As human beings in general,we like to assume it's another person's fault for our unhappiness...If that's the case, then you are already on the wrong path.No person on this earth is responsible for your happiness! Best believe that if you don't have prevented it.I know that's a big pill to swallow,but I myself had to deal with this fact fairly recently.

I use to rely on the people around me to make me happy.If they weren't happy-I wasn't if you hang around people who seem to be NEVER happy about ANYTHING in particular you will be miserable! They don't even have to be unhappy about everything in life, they could just be unhappy about a particular situation or experience. When you spend time in counsel with these type of people you allow their foul spirit(s) to penetrate you.This then adds to the "baggage" that most people carry around with them already;excess "baggage" clouds the mind and suppresses the Holy Spirit from being able to "stretch out" and do some house cleaning as you do some introspection.............


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