Monday, August 29, 2011

Letting GO~

It's always hard to let go of the past-whether it happened years ago,yesterday or five minutes ago. "Let it go" is always easy to say,but hard to do. This has always been a test for me.One thing is for sure, 'letting go' is always worth the struggle! Letting go of an issue that you had with somebody that keeps lingering in the back of your head.It can be as small as someone taking "your" parking spot;in the moment you feel like it was an ultimate vendetta towards you,but in all actuality it wasn't even close to being the case. It can be a week later and suddenly remember-replay that same situation in your head while you're in the shower or driving down the street.Usually we get that same irritated-angry feeling all over again.....AT THIS VERY MOMENT IS WHEN YOU SHOULD TELL GOD AND YOURSELF THAT YOU ARE DONE! YOU REPENT FOR OVERREACTING TO THE SITUATION AND LETTING THAT FESTER IN YOUR MIND AND SOUL AND YOU TELL GOD THAT YOU CAST ALL YOUR CARES ONTO HIM.You no longer need to dwell on meaningless distractions (i.e. misunderstandings,heated debates,mishaps,etc...).

Don't waste your time replaying issues over and over again-LET IT GO! Just remember you're on borrowed time and this is no way to spend that time-spend it wisely.


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