Friday, June 29, 2012

Your Fruit

Your fruit is not just for yourself alone.

As you progress in your walk with God, you will learn to change parts of yourself to shape you into a better person and a closer image to Christ.

As we progress in our development we bear fruit, both good fruit or bad fruit can be picked up, but when we bear good fruit we serve as a positive example to those around us who get to see that change from where you use to be to how you are now.

Our changes-our turn arounds should not be a private thing. We are to show people how to act or react to various things the way God wants us to. Everything we do should be unto Him, so when we don’t retaliate towards wrong doers we bear fruit and others, including those who are doing wrong, to see that there is something in you that they want to have as well. Some may just get sick of the fact that they can’t get a rise out of you anymore and leave you alone.

In a day and age where we accuse others of not being good role models and yet we tell parents that only they are responsible for how their children act, we have to be a constant light in the darkness. 

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