Saturday, June 16, 2012


God does not add sorrows to His blessings...

Some people think that blessings are only the things that happen occur after they asked for something. Blessings come in many, many forms and that just being able to go on for another day is a blessing in itself. Blessings can come in the form of having a good productive day at work or school, receiving something that you didn’t necessarily directly earn such as receiving an unexpected bonus in your paycheck or someone giving the funds you needed to pay a bill.

A sign that you or someone else is on the receiving end of a blessing is when it just comes along naturally and without sorrow or pain. Sometimes we mistake these blessings for flukes or as something suspicious that we need to avoid. We can miss out on these blessings if we misjudge it and don’t let it happen. Sometimes we have to let people whom we may not like be used of God in order to bless you, God may use someone that He wants to a work in to bless you so He can, for lack of a better phrase, kill two birds with one stone.

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