Friday, June 22, 2012

Hard Decisions

We all have been or will be faced with what we would call a difficult decision. 

By nature we rely on either our own understanding of how to get out of the uncomfortable situation or to seek counsel of somebody who would essentially give you the same answer that you would’ve come up with yourself. Because we get the same answer that we were originally thinking of, we look at it as a sign of confirmation. In reality, we just sought counsel with ourselves…

Usually when people are faced with something that is messing with their emotions, like a break up of a friendship or marriage, they base their decisions on their feelings in the moment. They usually make a decision to do something with the intent to cause problems for the other person or in an attempt to completely cut themselves off from the other person, no matter how the other person or people would feel. Consequently the whole situation ends up becoming a lot more conflicting than it was in the beginning, if one person decides later on that they have made the wrong decision or approached the problem in the incorrect manner, they have to clean up their mess that they could have avoided from the beginning had they not leaned on their own feelings and understanding of what the issue looked like.

This is why God tells us not to lean on our understanding, not just in matters that involve the church but with all things we are to seek Him. If we would stop making decisions based on our feelings in the moment we would actually get to make the proper decision and avoid all the hurdles that would’ve come our way.

I don’t say all this because it’s easy, it’s just what we need to do to be successful in all aspects of our lives. Our emotions like to take control-you have to take control of your emotions as if your emotion is a drunken friend whom you snatch the car keys from-don’t let it drive your decisions in to a wreck.

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