Tuesday, June 19, 2012

John 1:3

John 1:3
New International Version (NIV)
Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.

There are so many theories as why this and that exist and how things have come about. Science and simply people’s ideas of how we got here are just that-ideas. We all try so hard to prove or manipulate everything to fit our understanding of the world and everything it that we forget or simply not aware of the fact that we are not supreme beings-we do not have all the answers nor are we capable of answering all the questions of life. We all like to think we are so intelligent and sophisticated that we don’t even need God.
God made everything.

Without God, nothing would exist.

How can His creation whom He made in His image turn their backs on Him and act as if they are supreme?!.....

Are we that think headed to think that we can go on through life and be okay without Him? He can take us “out” if He wanted to, but He already knows that we will do that job for Him because our book knowledge and street knowledge that we hold on to and revere will lead us in to an early grave.

To be continued….

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