Friday, June 8, 2012

Is He Willing?

Yesterday in bible study we briefly discussed God’s willingness. We often in prayer ask God if He is willing can He do whatever it is that we are asking for. If we look at His word and see when He has healed people and performed many miracles we notice that He is willing and expects us to approach Him about it.

Sometimes we think that just because our situation, whatever it may be, is smaller than others out there in the world that we think that God is not willing to help us. For example if we have the flu and we want to be healed we tend to shy away from asking God to restore our health and stand on our healing.

Things such as finding a job, receiving items or healing we know that God wants us to have them all so there is no need to ask God if He is willing because of course He wants us to have occupations that support us, whatever avenue that is, of course He wants us to have things that make us happy or make daily life easier, as long as those things take us away from God and of course He wants us healed.

Pastor brought to our attention that when we ask if He is willing and it clearly says He is in the bible, it shows that we are doubting in some way that He will actually do it.

He is willing, so ask Him to do it and know that you already have it!

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