Friday, July 6, 2012

How to increase financially in God

Last night in bible study we discussed how to increase financially in God.

So many people find excuses to why they don’t have to tithe and give an offering to their church. They think it’s outdated and no longer required, however it is required if you want to increase your wealth supernaturally. It’s fine if you don’t want to tithe, however you will not have the favor of God financially that exceeds your expectations and you will continue to rob God of His tithe. Although that may sound harsh, it is in His word that those who do not tithe, give a tenth of their earnings, is robbing God. I have spoken on that particular verse before.

The tenth that you give as your tithe is the money that already belongs to God whether you believe in it or not, it is a blessing to even be able to work or generate any type of income so why not share it with Him spiritually and share it physically with your church.

It is funny how people can act “funny” when money is involved with anything especially when it requires them to give up some money without getting an immediate return in goods or services. They don’t realize that they are getting an immediate return when they give their tithe-they get protection physically and spiritually it insures that things around you don’t breakdown when you need it and rebukes the devourer for your sakes.

Now the offering is above and beyond what you give as your tithe. The offering is what you pray over when you give it to your church in order to open a flow of financial blessings. The financial blessing can come in the form of some sort of money exchange or from an idea to create something or a job opportunity.

Don’t block your financial blessings by being caught up in the hoopla about not needing to tithe or give offering.

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