Friday, February 3, 2012

Suffering In Silence: Guilt

Feeling guilty for not achieving what you know you could have achieved is a very common feeling that everyone experiences.

I believe that guilt in relation to finances is common area for almost everyone. Most commonly Christians struggle with the guilt of not paying off bills when they should have, not paying their tithes in a while, frivolous spending, gambling and so on.

That guilt pigeon-holds Christians and keeps them in a state of limbo where they can’t seem to prosper and yet not really get any lower. A lot of the times the guilt comes up when a spouse looses a job and can no longer afford to keep up the lifestyle they have grown accustomed to. In effort to keep the lifestyle they cut back on expenses and their tithes and or offerings ends up being one of them….sadly the church doesn’t let their congregations know that when you are faced with an attack on your finances by the enemy the last place where you want to skimp or exclude is your tithes and offerings.

When you cut off your tithes or reduce them, you can’t expect to get a hundredfold return on your giving, instead, as long as you are have been and still speak over your tithes and offerings, you are only going to get the ‘same measure added back to you’. Therefore this results in a longer season of lack and more guilt.
So now, you are feeling guilty for not paying tithes, bills and being able to maintain the lifestyle you had before and the lack seems to never end. Of course you haven’t told anyone else in your congregation or even your pastor! Because then even more guilt and now fear will come upon you because you’ll feel that the congregation will judge you and the pastor will be disappointed in you because you don’t tithe or your tithes are lower than had been in months…

There are many other emotions and hindrances that go along with financial lack, which doesn’t make the situation seem any better….

Want to get out of that season?!
*Do NOT stop tithing!
*Search for scriptures related to prosperity and finances.
*Pray and meditate the scriptures you have found (if you can’t find them ask people!)
*Ask for prayer!
*Bind the spirit of heaviness.
* Set an appointment to sit down with your pastor or a Christian counselor

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