Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Fake it ‘till you make it!

This phrase has stuck with me since I became a born again Christian. In order to break old habits and learn to be more patient, loving, confident, humble and so on, I had to fake it until it became natural.

I can’t say it has been easy, but it helps a lot more than one would think….

Say for instance you’re like me when it comes to doing things outside of your comfort zone, you get that little anxious feeling in the pit of your stomach- that’s when you have to “psychic” yourself out and act like you have all the confidence in the world so you won’t doubt yourself and more than likely mess up or freeze when it’s our time.

It may sound like something that no one wouldn’t want to advertise to others, but you can’t “fake it” and hide it, when others could use the same advice.

I have never been the most, outwardly, excitable person, but I realize that it can be a little harsh to those around me and make them feel uncomfortable or unappreciated, so I try to smile more, even when I don’t “feel” like it. Sometimes I make small talk with people around me, even though I may not be in the mood to have a conversation with someone else, it makes all the difference in how people perceive you. Of course we can’t please everyone and nor are we obligated to, but we can’t make people feel like they can’t approach us, when we have to be examples of what Jesus is.

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