Friday, February 17, 2012

14 And All Grown Up

I have noticed a trend of how “mature” the younger generations are trying to become. It seems as if no one wants to enjoy being a child or being a young adult and take it for what it is. Rather, today they are stampeding towards adult lifestyles-ready to get married, get pregnant, have sex, drink, get tattoos and take on responsibilities that were never meant for them to take on at such a young age. 

I remember being a young teen, wishing I was 18 years old already, it felt like I was going nuts being “trapped” in my adolescent body. I can relate to how young people want to be older than they are, however little do we know that once we get to 18 years old or 21 years old, we wish we were infants again, in some cases, because the responsibilities keep increasing.

If only I could tell all those who are younger than me to enjoy their youth and not be in a rush to grow up, I believe that there would be a lot more level headed adults in the future. 

When you rush into adulthood you essentially deprive yourself of a childhood and have no one to blame but yourself later when you look back. This is supposed to be your time to be silly and find your talent and focus in life, by trying different things. 

It’s a cycle, we want to get older-we get older and want to be younger- then we regret all the things we didn’t allow ourselves to do or experience when we were kids….

Let’s not repeat this cycle again, enjoy your youth, you thank me later.

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