Saturday, February 4, 2012

Love not Hate

What is lacking in today’s world is love.

Not just saying “I love you “to a significant other or saying “I love that song” to a friend, but love expressed towards others regardless if you know the person or genuinely feel that way. 

We have gone to long without letting the people around us know that we love them because God loves them. The world has perverted the idea of love to where it can only mean a sexual form of love or an meaningless word that we use to express a ‘like’ of something. “love” is a reoccurring word in our vocabulary as Americans, yet only a handful have the understanding of what love is let alone have experienced love.

One of the biggest reasons why many of our youth have chosen various sinful lifestyles is because they haven’t experienced love or a “positive” form of love, which is sad to have to verify what “type” of love someone has experienced.

Many women go through their whole lives searching for love from various men or vices. Men do the same, but they tend to get overshadowed by their infidelities. 

God doesn’t only love those of who believe in Him, but even those who don’t. We can’t go around pretending to be in a special secret club where only you and select others are allowed to experience God’s love and only show each other love and compassion; when we do this we end up being in a one-sided love relationship with Him, where we do not show love to all others and yet He shows love to world through miraculous healings, long awaited pregnancies, near accidents that saved people’s lives and so on….even simply sending someone to you just to give you a friendly smile or hug when you needed it. 

Let someone know that they are loved…

Let someone know that you love them, that they are not alone.

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