Saturday, January 12, 2013

What's In a Name

Naming your child is one of the most important things you can do. A name is more than what you are called by it’s the title of your future. Some of the most common names come from the bible, yet many of those parents aren’t familiar with bible let alone the origin of the name in the word. Parents have named their children after people who have had lives full of obstacles, pain and death, yet they never even considered it.

Even those names that are not as common are important to the development of a child’s life. For example the name Tamar is in the bible located in 2 Samuel was the daughter of King David and was raped by her brother, said to be a “mimicking” attempt of how Tamar’s father had wronged Bathsheba. This name may be familiar for those who follow the reality show world in which Tamar Braxton herself has encountered horrible situations with men when she was younger. In the same case, her own father had wronged her mother.

There are many examples that you can find around you or even in your own life. This doesn’t apply only to biblical names it’s any name, you or your child weren’t the very first ones to that name, even if it belonged to an inanimate object.

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