Friday, January 4, 2013

Unity ?

Sometimes I sit and think about how there are so many different “religious” groups that refer to themselves as Christians, yet they all don’t believe in the same things….how does that work? So instead of all ‘Christians’ being on the same page in regards to belief and practices.

All of this just adds to the confusion amongst those of us who haven’t been in the church as long as the ‘Old Saints’ as well as confusing those who are still in the world who get lured into organizations that say they are Christian but are far off from it.

I get confused at times by all the different denominations that have such specific practices and beliefs all stemming around the belief of Jesus Christ. I hope that there will be a more unity among all Christians and that we can all come to realize that the bible, God’s word, His Spirit is what we should be led by- not by traditions that man has created thinking that it will please God.

There is already division within each individual church congregation that the unity “project” would have to start from within each congregation. There needs to be more understanding and less judging, kindness instead of being dismissive if someone doesn’t fit your idea of what a “Christian” is supposed to look like…

To be continued….

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