Thursday, January 12, 2012

Judging Prophecy

Last night’s bible study topic was about how to judge prophecy.

How can we tell if someone who gives us a prophecy is speaking from truth?

How can we tell if someone is a prophet called by God or a person operating by flesh?

Many of these questions were raised during our discussion. Pastor Drew Harris led us through some of the important tests to use when judging prophecy:

Test #....

1)      Does it build you up or does it condemn you?

Reference: 1 Corinthians 14:3

In other words, does the prophecy given to you a positive message that will encourage you or help you with something that is going on in your life, or does the prophecy make you feel guilty, ashamed, anything that you know is not of God. God will not send someone to tell you that “you are going to hell and that’s that”. He wants to save souls, not discourage them.

2)      Does it agree with scripture?

Reference: 2 Timothy 3:16-17

Just like test number one, God will not go against His word. The prophecy should agree with scripture 100%. There shouldn’t be some parts sound scriptural and other parts are questionable. For example, a person who is given a prophecy to leave home at the age of 14 in order to seek God, does not agree with scripture.

3)      What is the prophet’s relationship with Christ?

Reference: John 16:13  &  Revelation 19:10

Do they exalt or glorify God? This is important in understanding what kind of person you are dealing with when receiving a prophetic word or just dealing with a Prophet in general. It would be hard for a person to be functioning as a Prophet and receiving word from God when the Prophet is does not have a personal relationship with Christ.

4)      Do the Prophet and the prophecy bear good fruit?

Reference: Galatians 5:22-23

The Prophet has to be functioning in the fruits of the spirit in order to be able to deliver prophetic word to God’s people. A Prophet cannot get angry easily and not show love to others and still operate in the gift of prophecy.

To Be Continued.....

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