Thursday, January 5, 2012

Don’t Be In Pain

Too often there are Christians living each day in physical and emotional pain.


In the past couple years I have seen a few Christians living a defeated life. You cannot be living in God’s fullness if you continue to just exist and in constant pain. Anytime I see someone day after day in the same amount of pain I feel like what else can we do? You can only pray for someone so much and counsel them so many times before you have to back off and let them choose LIFE and walk in their complete healing.
I understand that if you haven’t been use to being without pain it could be hard to make that initial step. However once you make that step you can go nowhere but up; don’t go back into that darkness that produced nothing but continuous pain, exhaustion, frustration, reoccurring sickness, depression and so on. 

We learned in bible study and through a few Sunday sermons at Spoken Word Church that murmuring, complaining and unbelief cause you to go on in pain and sickness even though you may not have any unforgiveness left. When someone asks you how are you, casually, and you say “not good” or “just getting by”, you are setting the stage for how the rest of your day will go. You may not feel great, that serves as the time to ask for prayer, not to just share your pain and hopefully get some sympathy. 

For those of you out there just ‘existing’ and not ‘living’ realize that God never intended you or anyone else to be in pain, just think, how can the Lord get his work done on this earth if you are in a debilitating state and or just going with the motions. No one can use the excuse that they “just have to live this way because God wants me to” or “I have to live this way because of all the things I have done in my past”. Thinking that you aren’t worthy of anything other than what you already have is the kind of thinking that leaves you in the same state you started in with no growth or the fullness of what God has in store for you.

Don’t be defeated…. Be Reinvigorated!!!

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