Friday, March 9, 2012

Given More

We equate what we have with the amount stuff or money we have. We have always been a society that has to see everything with our own eyes which makes it hard for many to believe that there is a God.

Luke 8:18
18 Therefore consider carefully how you listen. Whoever has will be given more; whoever does not have, even what they think they have will be taken from them.”

We look down when those who have things get more things when we see that there are people living without…

So how do we interpret Luke 8:18?....God is not materialistic, but he does look at our walk- what we do with the righteousness that He gave us. He gave us freely His joy, His peace and His righteousness, this is some of the richness of God.

Those who operate in their authority through Jesus Christ and the scriptures, we get blessed and through those blessings we tap in to the abundance of God….”whoever has will be given more…”

Those who we see that continually accumulate wealth, get more when they already have what they need to survive because they know how to get it…well in the same way, but greater, we as Christians are the same way, except we don’t measure wealth in dollars and cents or even number of clothes in our closet, but the blessings or God and as heirs to the Kingdom.

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