Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Confidence pt1


Those of us who have been around older Christians or even use to hearing preachers, can all agree that they have the “unique” ability to quote scripture and are quick on their feet with sound advice. As a young believer we yearn to be able to recite scripture and be able to give good, positive, word-based advice to anyone and everyone, to be confident in our faith and be a “poster child” for your generation.

This is a major problem for those of us who have perfectionist personalities, to the point that we only get into things only to be able to progress in it and become near experts at whatever it is that we are doing.

After some time goes by and you’ve been going to church and bible study, as well as reading various books, and you still can’t quote scripture or feel confident enough to give people advice , we begin to feel a little deflated. This oddly enough starts making us feel like maybe “I won’t be able to quote scripture or be good enough at remembering all the bible stories and characters”, which results in us pulling back from those things of God that we need to stick with.

The worst thing you can do is pull away from your church, bible study and your own personal studying.

To Be Continued….

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