Friday, June 6, 2014

John 16:24

John 16:24
New King James Version (NKJV)
24 Until now you have asked nothing in My name. Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full.

There is not greater name than the name of Jesus, this is why we must include His name in our prayers. There will be times when we may forget to use His name in our prayer, but we have to make sure to use it because there is power behind it.

When we ask for things in His name He hears us, as believers, and He can act on it. When we don’t ask in His name, He can’t act on it or act as quickly because we didn’t specify that we have called on Him to bring something to pass or to receive something.

Now, we know that God can do whatever He pleases, but His word says to ask in His name and we will receive. There is confidence in asking in Jesus’ name that our requests have been made known and that it is officially in His hands to do with.

With asking in His name helps build your faith that He can and will do what He has promised, that if you ask and believe, you will receive.

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