Friday, April 11, 2014

Be Abundantly Supplied

No matter how many times a Pastor has brought up anything having to do with money, people around them get really uncomfortable and sometimes very dismissive because they feel that finances and faith are unrelated.

I cannot stress enough that God wants ALL His people to be abundantly supplied. Don’t get rich and abundant confused-because ‘rich’ has such an arrogant connotation, we have the ability to become abundantly supplied, meaning ALL of our needs are met.

Most people think Christians should be simple people living with the bare minimum and little money. This is not what God had in mind for us, don’t get me wrong I’m not saying that if you are in that state that you are not a Christian or that God is mad at you, He wants you to move up. We all have to want more for ourselves and others and in order to be effective. You have to have something in order to help someone else, to provide shelter, gas, help with bills, food, clothes, traveling to get to somewhere/someone and so on. All the basic things in this world needs money at some point and this is why we have to be abundantly supplied. This also includes the connections you make with other people who have things that can help you help another, such as because you had the extra finances to travel to the next town to meet a friend who is stuck on the side of the road, you meet a man at a rest stop that has a towing service and is willing to tow your friend’s truck back to their home for half the price!

These things don’t happen by chance they happen because you had the finances and the favor of the Lord to help someone else and gave you a lower price to help that friend.

Being abundantly supplied means you and your family have all their needs met and have extra to do what you please (hopefully you choose wisely as to what to do).

Don’t be living on the cusp of financial downfall, be at a state of having more than enough!

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