Friday, February 15, 2013

Say What?!

Eves dropping is a natural habit as humans, of course we listen in on people’s gossip about infidelity and special occasions, however that has seemed to have shifted.

Today while waiting for my mother at the hair salon I overheard a stylist talking to her client about private schools for their children. They had brought up the concern that they didn’t want to place their children in private school because they weren’t Christian and they didn’t want their children to learn about Christianity-this wasn’t because they were Muslim or Buddhist, these were “All American” Caucasian females.

It’s amazing how the concern of these young moms were the fact that they didn’t want their children to learn about God and Jesus, rather than the concern of the quality of education, safety and if the children wanted to go.

What does this say about the people of the world? This isn’t the only time I’ve heard about those who have gone to Catholic school, private school, and have said that they couldn’t wait to go the opposite way.

Understandably, Catholicism, although a part of Christianity, has many regimens and manmade facets that are not biblical which thus leads people to rebel and never get the chance to know the love and mercy of God, only the laws and routine. Because of this Christian schools and teachings don’t get embraced by those in the world.

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