Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Balancing Act pt.1

Have you ever felt like you’re constantly doing a balancing act? Like you have to be Christian enough to be around other Christians meanwhile still trying to be hip to the things going on in the world?

What some “seasoned” Christians today don’t realize is that we are all living in a different kind of world, todays’ young Christians are faced with so much more than ever imagined. We as young believers have to struggle to find a balance between staying on the right path with Christ and maintaining a connection with the rest of the world. We can’t just cut everybody off and throw out all our worldly items and consecrate ourselves in an age where we grew up with computers, smart phones, elaborate music and new and interesting friends.

It comes down to what are realistic expectations for your life or your children’s lives. How can you find balance?

How can you protect yourself from the demonic influences on the t.v. or internet or even through friends and family?

I myself am trying to figure out how to live my life and still be in right standing with the Lord. There are days where it seems easy to dodge any direct conflicts with the world and then there are days where it seems like I am bombarded with influence by the enemy, Satan.

There will always be temptation around us, but it is about being able to identify it and know how to turn away from it by using the word. Life as a believer will always be a balancing act no matter how “Christian” you may be.

To Be Continued……

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