Friday, March 29, 2013

Quiet Suffering

There has been an influx of those who are quietly suffering from depression and a feeling of having to be perfect or having to keep everything in for fear that people would judge them.  I believe there are more people with this issue than those that don’t.

The youth today have more against them than those of their parents. With smart phones, internet and social media, the youth have to be on guard for the possible threat of being photographed looking a certain way or have rumors started about them because someone doesn’t like them. As a young adult I have had issues and seen my peers have to deal with the same, the only difference from myself at the age of 23 and those who are in high school and middle school today is that they have more popular social networks and a lack of celebrity “role models”. During my school years we only had myspace and the short-lived xanga and live journal, as well as the emergence of youtube but hadn’t reached its popularity quite yet. These social networks have created an outlet for some and a personal hell for others.

Other issues are based solely on past experiences that have caused them to become introverted or to withhold feelings that need to be released.

These are all things that contribute to a person’s silent suffering and can be one of the hardest  things to detect in others.

Christians can be sufferers from this too, this is why we have to fellowship with each other and edify each other. When we all create a safe and supportive space walls that have been built up will crumble and let God’s love come in. From there the healing process can begin and that spirit of depression can be defeated. Not everything is instant but  it will be defeated. 

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