Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Faith = Currency

A member of our church had said that faith is the currency of Heaven. That made me think about how faith would look in comparison to our dollar currency that we value so much in this world.

Can you imagine if having faith in God and all that He has for us being used as actual currency to “buy” the things we want and need??

Well that’s how the things of heaven move-with our faith.

In order for us to get the things we want from God we have to have faith that He can and will do it for us. How else do you expect to receive those things if not for faith?

Faith is the type of currency that does not rise and fall in value, cannot be bought, can be used throughout the world and is always an acceptable form of payment.

1.      Complete trust or confidence in someone or something.
2.      Strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof.
belief - trust - confidence - credence - credit

You don’t have to be “born into faith” to have it and achieve great things as those who have been “born into money” that we see in the world.

Having faith in God means that you have no limits!

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