[ri-pen-tns, -pen-tuh1.deep sorrow, compunction, or contrition for a past sin, wrongdoing, or the like.
2.regret for any past action.
This topic came up when working on my "Seeking Him" revival workbook for Ministry Training/Bible Study.I never realized how important repentance is in a believer's life.This lesson (lesson 4), has made me dig even deeper in to what exactly does repenting entail...When looking at biblical stories such as David's story, I noticed that repentance is something that should come naturally and be genuine, with grievance.Repentance is the biggest step towards personal and public revival.
Repenting isn't always easy,especially when the Holy Spirit convicts you of a sin that you feel you were okay living with, or a sin that you don't feel ready to confront...
The word "sin" alone, carries a lot of baggage because of the seriousness and the guilt that society puts on it, to a point were no one wants to acknowledge anything that they have done/thought as a sin.Today we tend to think of sin as a heinous criminal act like murder, rather than the sin of simply telling a "white lie".
What is repentance to you?
Do you believe it's necessary to repent after every inappropriate thought or act?
to be continued........
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