Sunday, October 25, 2015


Tragic events happen everyday, but we are left confused as to how to react to life's tragedy. How are we suppose to feel or react to deaths of loved ones, deaths of those we hear about on television? Do we worry about our well being, do we become jaded or do we pray for those left behind?

The truth is that is no one way to react to tragedy. All we can do spiritually, is to pray for those left behind and pray for the circumstance to help benefit someone else. Sometime tragedy is what it takes for someone to come to the Lord, not that the Lord caused someone to die, but He can always turn what was meant for evil into something for the good.

It's always good to know that the Lord does not cause young children to die or suffer from diseases and illnesses. We have to remember that there is evil in the world and that we have free will-both combined can cause bad things to happen, unintentionally or intentionally. Regardless, God can turn all of it around when you believe. All young children belong to the Lord be default, so Satan may take their lives from them, but their spirit still belongs to the Lord and they will return to Him after death. This should at least give a modicum of reassurance during a time of grief/tragedy.

Make it a habit to pray for situations you hear about on the news, or things that are making you feel concerned or worried. It doesn't have to be a long prayer, just speak what comes to your heart.


Preparation is one of the most underestimated task when thinking about the future.

A lot of families don't function in the area of preparation, whether it be preparing financially for retirement, future children's college fund, creating a rainy day fund for life's little hiccups or even money to be used for buying a home.

Understandably, most families would like to be able to prepare financially for life events, but the cost of living and the career options available make things a bit difficult. This is why having faith and building it up daily is important. The stronger your faith the bigger the mountains you can move. Write out what you need and want for your life as you see it right now,be as specific as possible. Look up a couple of scriptures that can support your desires/needs and write them down with that list and declare it to the Lord. Tell Him these are things that I desire and need for my future. Believe it and now it's time to do your part in the process.

If it is financial preparation, look at your finances and see if there are any reoccuring expenses that can be eliminated, at least for the time being, such as coffee trips, shopping sprees, cable, etc... Next see how you can consolidate your credit card debt whether it be by taking out a low interest loan or applying for a credit card with a good 0% APR promotion that you can transfer current debt to so you can pay off debt without a monthly APR piling up. Next, start putting up any cash or change you have at the end of every week, you'll be shocked at how much you're able to save at the end of a few months.

Preparation is one of the best tasks to  ever be given considering a lot life's events aren't preventable, so when ever you have the ability to prepare for something do it now, don't wait.

Ask, Believe, Receive

Throughout my spiritual journey thus far, my experience with “asking and receiving” has become solid. Despite what anyone may say or do, I will always believe that when I ask for something in prayer or declare to the Lord what I want to happen, I will have it.

It’s a simple concept that even an unbeliever can understand, although they may not believe in it. Not enough believers put this to practice for fear of their desires or needs not being fulfilled or feeling like they shouldn’t ask for things or situations to happen for them, that God will do whatever is necessary without having to make a request. 

Unfortunately, it is a tragic misunderstanding to think that doing what was already stated in the bible that you can do as something that you cannot. God of course knows exactly what you desire, but that doesn't mean that He will just make it happen if you don't voice it. 

You've probably seen a child trying to draw a butterfly, you both know that that's what the child is trying to draw and see that they are frustrated trying to make it look a certain way, but we don't interfere because they didn't ask for help nor do you want to hinder them from making mistakes and learning on their own how to keep trying until they get it right.

God, in a much bigger way does the same with us. He knows we need help but unless we stop and ask Him. 

We were after all given free will, use it!