As a young women we are constantly bombarded with
sex, sexuality and relationships to the point that if we aren’t sexually
active, in a relationship or identify as anything other than straight, we are
instantly pushed out of the “inner circle” and labeled as weird, losers or
It’s sad that when women say that they are a virgin
they are instantly accused of lying or looked at as if they have two heads. As
time has gone on sex has gotten more and more prevalent than ever before; children
are having to be educated about safe sex at a much younger age, in most cases
at the age of 9 years old.
When did being a virgin become so antiquated?
Although, there’s a flip side to the acceptance of
sex; one can not have too much sex or they’re considered to be freaks or
addicts or they are have/having sex with too many partners. Oh, and don’t
forget it’s also bad if you are sleeping with the person on the first date!
It’s funny how there is “morality clauses” within
immoral practices. So one can have premarital sex with ONLY a few people, but
they have to be beyond the first or possibly second date (unless they’re famous
or attractive to everyone), and can’t have too much sex unless you want someone
to label you a freak. And if you’re
single you are expected to date because “it’s only normal” to do, but if you’re
single and rather wait for the right one or pray about possibly going out with
someone, they are looked at as a “weird Jesus freak” or a “prude”.
I have learned that not everyone has to feel like
they have to keep up with the pace of those who are constantly going out with
someone and sleeping with random people that they think are cute or nice or “just
for fun”. Go at your own pace, pray about it, pray for your future spouse, not
just a boyfriend or girlfriend but someone that you can spend your life with.
You are not condemned if you have already had sex
and lived life like your friends, but now is the time to make that shift from
casual sex and down grading the idea of saving yourself; and start being
mindful of who you let get close to you and abstain.