Saturday, February 1, 2014

Financial Blessings

In general people are very “funny” about money in relation to religion. It has always been the general consensus that if the Pastor says anything about finances other than give to the poor, that he must want your money in some way.

However, finances play a big role in our lives because that’s how we are able to live in this world. We have to change our thinking when it comes to finances. We have to think higher than what our bank accounts reflect in order to be blessed with more.

If someone makes just enough to cover bills but doesn’t believe that their state will change for the good then they will just stay at that bare minimum. If that same person doesn’t tithe either they are easy “prey” for the enemy to take what money they do have.

Now, if that same person who just “gets by” prays and believes that they will have financial increase and doesn’t waver on their faith and tithes, they will have increase in due time and what they do have will be protected from the enemy.

You have to give to get-You have to give God your trust in Him and He will get you where you want and need to be.

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