Friday, October 11, 2013

Doubt Door

James 1:6
New International Version (NIV)
But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.

I know I have spoken about this scripture before in regards to not doubting, however it bears repeating, doubt is a constant battle that will be with us until we join the Lord in Heaven.

Doubt is that ‘little’ voice or thought in the back of your mind saying “well, what if it doesn’t happen”, “what if it doesn’t happen IN TIME” and so on.

I believe doubt is the main gateway for depression. Doubt comes to unlock a “door” in your spirit and allows the spirit of heaviness to come in and manifest through you in different ways: helplessness to hopelessness to depression to suicidal thoughts which lead to suicidal tendencies which leads to suicide. There may be some other doors in the list, but those are the main ones.

I’m not speaking as an outsider in this situation, I’m speaking from experience with depression and the spirit of heaviness.

Circumstances affect the way you view the future and causes doubt that things will turn out better because of the way things look in the present. The future becomes impossible to think of because all you can see is what in front of you right now. The future is so unclear that when someone tries to cheer you up by saying tomorrow is a new day, it makes you angry because you don’t see it that way.

Depression manifests in many different ways-some people can go on with their daily lives and have no one even suspect it because they seem normal and happy-smiling to strangers. Some are like how I was, were we hated to make eye contact with anyone because you knew that they would see what a loser you are and struggle to communicate exactly how they feel to others because they know that others will judge them and tell them to stop being sad and try to smile.

Never assume that someone isn’t depressed because they don’t mope around, where black clothing, listen to rock music and cut themselves. It comes in many forms,but all through one door- Doubt.

To be continued….

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