Wednesday, December 5, 2012

“Rainy Season”

“Rainy Season”

I don’t know about you, but there has been a cooling down in the fire for Christ. All of those who were on fire have experienced a noticeable decrease in the yearning to go further. I have experienced that as well.

You are not alone if feel the same and want to get that fire back like you once did when you first got saved. I have noticed that there is a pattern that most people unintentionally follow from the time they get saved until now.

1)      Receive Salvation

2)      Enter a state of confusion-not sure what to do next, expecting a “feeling of change”.

3)      Start going to church/Begin to enjoy going to church.

4)      Go highlighter crazy-marking every scripture you hear about and have read.

5)      Researching scriptures.

6)      Read a copious amount of Christian books.

7)      Start acting super “religious” to the point where everything around you that isn’t Christ centered, repulses you.

8)      Continue to research and absorb Christian material-such as videos, movies, books and audio.

9)      “Crash”

10)  Begin to get tired of listening to only Christian programming.

11)  Start to revert to old habits- music artist, books, movies,etc…

12)  Viewing church as a Sunday routine.

13)  Notice that things aren’t the same anymore.

These are just examples of the steps that most people tend to fall under during their early stages of their walk. It doesn’t end like this, we must reignite the fire and learn to not over due it.

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