Monday, October 22, 2012


Have you ever been offered prayer, whether in church or in conversation but have kept quiet even though you know you need or want the prayer?

I have noticed that when we are given opportunities to receive prayer that most of the time or instant reaction is to keep quiet. In some cases we wish others would just instinctively know that we need prayer and just pray for us anyway.

I use to think “why is it so hard to go up for prayer?”

I have come to the realization that of course it would be hard for people to go up for prayer or simply express the need for prayer! How can Satan keep us from getting free if we all can come boldly to the altar in prayer or to receive prayer? This is just a tactic of the enemy to keep us in bondage and keep us in a state of fear for anyone to find out what we need prayer for.

Not always, but sometimes we have a need for prayer for something like to do well in an interview-then we hear someone ask for prayer for a relative who has cancer which then makes our prayer request seem so minute and unimportant. 

Don’t shy away when the opportunity to get prayer arises. Stand up! Don’t be ashamed, don’t think that your situation is too small or too big to be prayed for and answered- Don’t think that your request is “stupid” or “small”. All prayer requests are worthy!

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