Thursday, October 27, 2011


The news stations have been constantly airing footage of the ‘Occupy’ protests in various parts of the country as well as all over the world. Lately, Oakland has been in the forefront of the news because of the sudden violence that had broken out during the “peaceful” protest, unlike what was going on in other parts of California and New York at the same time.

I know we are to stay informed and be watchful of the changes in the world, but like I have said before in a previous post, there seems to be a fine line between staying aware and getting anxious about what’s going on as you watch the news. I’ve noticed that for a while I would constantly watch the news and read headlines online, in the end it would end up making me feel neurotic. I remember experiencing the same thing a few years back when former President George Bush was in office and there was speculation of Martial Law being implemented and thus causing millions of people to be killed or imprisoned…However this is not necessarily farfetched for where we are headed now a days, there is still no reason to panic over ANYTHING… Just repeat that to yourself, lol

All joking aside, the upcoming presidential race, the ‘Occupy’ protests expansion, celebrity deaths, the wars in the Middle East, stock market decline, jobless claims will continue to try to take away your peace and distract you from the things of God and how God is manifesting all over the world. Don’t let your television, your chain emails or YouTube get you office track, anxious, nervous, worried, stressed or sad about the state of the world. The Lord told us that the world would get darker and darker and will seek man before the Son. The world has to close out the light sooner or later, but that just means that we are that much closer to the coming of Christ and the ending to this conflicting life and the beginning to eternity with Christ…..tell me, which is better…..staying focused and keep your mind on God and doing the things of God for whatever years we have left and reach the point of complete freedom of the attacks of the enemy… or spend the rest of your life in emotional torment and then eternity in even worse torment by Satan?  

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